5 reasons why your website isn't listed on Google? - AREDCREATIVE

5 reasons why your website isn’t listed on Google?

Nov 16, 2022

One of the most common questions we get here at AREDCREATIVE is “Why doesn’t my website show up on Google?” There could be a number of reasons why this is happening, but don’t worry—we can help you figure it out. In this blog post, we’ll go over some of the most common reasons why websites don’t show up on Google searches and what you can do to fix the problem.

Table of contents

Here are five things to look for when choosing a web hosting company:

  1. Your website is brand new
  2. No Index setting
  3. WordPress settings
  4. Site not optimized
  5. Google Penalty

Your website is brand new

It’s understandable, your website just went live and now you want to see where you rank on google. You enter your business name but you see nothing, you scroll the page and flip to another one but still nothing. You’re probably wondering what’s going on.

The chances of your new website automatically showing up in search engine listings like Google, Bing and others are slim to none. The reason for this is that the web crawlers or bots associated with the search engines have yet to find your website on the internet. (A web crawler is an internet bot that systematically browses the World Wide Web, typically for the purpose of Web indexing)

In order to speed this process up, you’ll want to make sure your website developer has added all relevant keywords and meta tags related to your industry on your website. They should have also created a site map and set up your website with the Google Search console.

No Index setting

This is more of a technical issue that can sometimes happen when files or settings are mistakenly changed and for whatever reason, your website is asking search engines not to show it.

Setting a page of a website to No Index is not necessarily a bad thing as you may have some pages on your website that you may not need or want to be found by search engines. Beyond those pages, you’ll want to make sure all of the main pages of your website are indexable so that you’ll have no problem showing up in search engines. SEOptimer is a quick tool to use to find out if you have any pages on your website set to no index.

WordPress (Discourage search engines from indexing this site)

Keeping within the realm of Indexing, when It comes to WordPress websites they are probably the best CMS platform when it comes to setting up Search Engine Optimization.

A cool feature that’s always been a part of WordPress is the option to automatically tell search engines to not show your website. As this may seem counterintuitive, it’s actually a great tool for website developers to use when working on a live domain. This allows them to work within a live environment but still keep the website off search engines and out of view.

If you have a WordPress website and you’ve found yourself not showing up on Google or any other search engines, the first place you should check is this setting as many developers can forget to remove the setting before publishing the website.

Your site isn’t optimized for search engines.

When your site isn’t optimized for search engines, it’s unlikely that it will appear high in the search results—no matter how often people search for it. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of making sure that your site is designed in a way that makes it easy for Google’s bots to understand what your site is about and rank it accordingly. Some common SEO techniques include using relevant keywords throughout your site’s content, optimizing your site’s metadata, and creating backlinks to high-quality websites.

If you’re not sure how to optimize your website for SEO, don’t worry—feel free to contact us for a website audit.

Your Website Has Been Penalized by Google


If your website was previously appearing in Google search results but suddenly disappeared, it’s possible that your site has been penalized by Google. This usually happens if Google detects that your site is violating one of its webmaster guidelines. For example, if you’re using black-hat SEO tactics or keyword stuffing, you could be penalized. If you think this might be the case, you can check Google Search Console to see if there are any messages from Google about penalties or issues with your site. While this is a rare occurrence, this is something to have a look at if your issues persist.


There are various reasons why your website might not be appearing on Google. It could be that your website is brand new and it takes time for Google to index it. Alternatively, the ‘no-index’ setting might be enabled on your site which tells Google not to list your site. If you’re using WordPress, there might be a problem with the settings. Finally, it could be that your website isn’t optimized or there’s a penalty from Google. Whatever the reason may be, hopefully, this blog post has helped shed some light on the situation.

If you are not the technical type and need help troubleshooting your website, feel free to contact us.

Article by:
    Adrian Redmond
  • Front End Web Developer
Web Hosting Canada